Ipswich City Council will be supporting the day with its own Council run community clean up event on Sunday, 6 March at Leslie Park, Goodna at 8.00 am followed by a thank you BBQ.Council would like to encourage you to get involved in helping to keep Ipswich clean and beautiful by registering your own clean-up site. You are an important part of the Ipswich community and this is a great way to show your pride in our great City.For more information or to register to participate in Clean Up Australia Day, visit www.cleanupaustraliaday.org.au/ or phone 1800 CUA DAY. The Clean Up Australia Day Council can provide support to your and your clean up group with a Clean Up Starter kit and other resources.If you would like to attend the Council event please register at:www.cleanupaustraliaday.org.au/Ipswich City Council SiteSunday, 6 March 2016Leslie Park24 Mill Street (Cnr Bertha and Mill Street), Goodna 8.00 – 9.00