Mayor Paul Pisasale and Councillors City of Ipswich, Chambers of Commerce of Ipswich and Cityhope Church invite you to attend the Our City Ipswich Government, Business and Church Deputy Premier’s Breakfast with the Deputy Premier of Queensland The Hon. Jackie Trad MP.When: Wednesday, 9 December 2015Time: 6.45 am for 7.00 am startWhere: Ipswich Civc Centre, Cnr Limestone and Nicholas Streets, Ipswich Qld 4305Cost: $90 per head | $800 for a table of ten (please contact Siobhan Gale on details below for a table)Dress: Business AttireRSVP strictly by 30 November 2015.To purchase tickets go to or if you would like to purchase a table of 10 for $800 inc. GST please contact Siobhan Gale on or 07 3288 0611.All profits from breakfast go to the Cityhope Care Christmas Hampers Appeal.Our City Ipswich – Deputy Premier’s Breakfast (PDF, 4.6 MB)