Did you know that the top two schools with the highest number of enrolments for the Vocational Education and Training in Schools program is found in Ipswich?
Ipswich State High School continues to be Queensland’s top provider of Vocational Education and Training in Schools (VETiS) program. In fact, according to Principal Simon Riley, the Ipswich State High School offered about 30 certificate courses to its 840 students (Years 10-12) and to those from other schools.
In 2018, the Bremer State High School garnered Queensland’s second-highest number of enrolments for their VETiS courses. Hence, this makes Ipswich home to the top 2 schools in Queensland with the highest number of students enrolled in a VET qualification program.

Both Members for Ipswich Jim Madden and Jennifer Howard see this fantastic turnout to be beneficial for the future of Ipswich and its locals.
“This is a great achievement and it will mean students will have a bright future ahead of them,” Mr Madden said.
“We need more skilled workers in the growing industries such as healthcare and trades, and I encourage Ipswich students to consider TAFE once they graduate.”
“This means more young people in Ipswich are gaining a valuable qualification before they even finish school,” Ms Howard said.
About Vocational Education and Training
Vocational Education and Training (VET) is a learning course that is directly related to work or getting a job. It provides pathways for all young people who are seeking further education, training, or employment-specific skills.
Whether you are a student, a job seeker or already employed, there is a range of training options available at VET accredited schools and organisations to help you achieve your career goals.
Accredited training courses are provided by registered training organisations (RTOs), such as TAFE, private training providers and some universities.

Government Support
Last 9 October 2019, Minister for Training and Skills Development Shannon Fentiman visited Ipswich State High School to speak with students about the many opportunities that lie ahead of them once they graduate by the end of the year.
“We know nine out of 10 jobs expected to grow in the next five years will require a VET qualification,” Ms Fentiman said.
“And as students near graduation it’s important they consider their career options once they walk out of the classroom.”
Minister Fentiman also discussed the government’s free apprenticeship initiative— its importance, benefits, and how much the government wants more young Queenslanders to take this course.

“In August the Premier and I announced free apprenticeships for under 21s which builds on our free tafe for year 12 graduates initiative,” Ms Fentiman said.
“All of these free qualifications on offer are in the industries where we know there will be jobs.”
The fully subsidised traineeships are in industries that show a high demand for workers including:
- Electrical
- Plumbing
- Engineering
- Healthcare
- Hospitality
- Early childhood
“The Palaszczuk Government’s new $32 million free apprenticeship initiative is tipped to help 60,000 young people into an apprenticeship or traineeship,” she said.
“So far more than 12,000 young Queenslanders are taking advantage of free training under these two initiatives.”