Photo credit: TripAdvisor
Quest Hotels in Springfield Central has officially opened on 12 March as the Health City continues to take shape.
The serviced-apartment style hotel wanted to set an early opening on 5 March. However, noisy construction at the nearby site prompted it to delay the opening. The site next door is the location of the Greater Springfield Specialist Suites comprised of medical suites and professional offices. It is expected to open in May 2018.
The Quest Hotels management didn’t want to disrupt the patrons on that day whilst construction was taking place on the site next to theirs.
You Can Now Book a Stay
The new 82-room hotel is in the Greater Springfield’s Health Care Precinct. Despite the delay, room bookings are now available online.
It has six floors, four for Quest, a single floor for additional child-care and the bottom level is dedicated to retail.
Health City
Springfield City Group envisions the hotel as a strategic support to the 52-hectare Health City precinct and to further establish the city as a destination for business and leisure.
The Health City in Springfield Central is the designated central core of the health and wellness offering in Greater Springfield.

Photo credit: Sports and Safety Surfaces
Calls for a synthetic track to be built in Springfield have caught the attention of the local community and the Ipswich City Council.
Coach Stacey Taurima of Athletics Australia expressed his frustration over the lack of a sports facility for the Springfield team in the area. Although there is a facility in Nathan that they use, Coach Taurima said its availability is limited, which is why building a synthetic track in Springfield seems to be the best solution.
The Springfield community seems to agree with Mr Taurima as well, having expressed interest in having their own facility attached to a university campus or a part of a development. On the other hand, the council is open to this possibility but they haven’t yet identified an appropriate site for it. There are also plenty of considerations that must be taken into account, to build such a facility.
Building a facility like this requires millions and conditions must be thoroughly assessed before the council gives the go-signal. That said, it would take some time before a synthetic track is built in Springfield. Still, having one will definitely meet the needs of the local Ipswich community.

Photo credit: WJLA
A fourth McDonald’s is opening in Greater Springfield and residents are not too happy about it. Clearly, the residents think an additional fast-food chain to get your guilty fix of burger and french fries is far from a good idea.
On 30th November, development proposal was submitted to the Ipswich City Council for a 24-hour McDonald’s on the corner of Springfield Parkway and New Smith Drive. As part of the development, a portion of the the Springfield Parkway would be widened. Just recently, the council has approved the proposal.
In July of this year, a McDonald’s opened in Augustine Heights. There are plans for another one in Camira as well. So far, there are three McDonald’s within the area, one is in Springfield Lakes and one is in Bellbird Park.
Upon the announcement of a new McDonald’s early this month via a Facebook post, over 200 people commented and expressed their disapproval. Some of them also calls on the council to intervene. However, Cr David Morrison said that the it isn’t up to the council to decide who could open a restaurant.
Residents pointed out the prevalent obesity issue. Cr Morrison said that he understands the obesity argument but it really comes down to a personal choice on the part of the consumer, as to what to eat.
The new development also has plans for a new 7-Eleven store, a service station, and an area for residential properties.

Photo credit: LendLease Communities
Following the latest Regatta Lake upgrades in Springfield, the Springfield Centenary Canoe Club isn’t done yet with their ideas to make the place better and more functional.
Currently, the club is applying for a storage container at the Regatta Lake to store member equipment. Cr Sheila Ireland is considering this but wants to hear from the locals as well.
Also read: Springfield Centenary Canoe Club Urges Locals To Make the Most Out of New Regatta Lake Upgrades
Cr Ireland is seeking community feedback on this application especially that this container will be visible from the Springfield Lakes Boulevard. Deadline for suggestions will be on the 24 November, so have your say.
So far, there have been suggestions about seeing more gardens or greenery in the area.
You can send an email to sireland@ipswich.qld.gov.au or call 3470 0077.

Photo credit: Google Maps
The hike to get to Springfield Station has gotten locals tired and upset. The lack of a bus stop at the station forces commuters to walk a 300m steep incline from Woodcrest Way. Now, councillors and state election candidates are asking for a solution.
To add to the issue, they also pointed out the lack of car parks at the station. On a daily basis, an estimated 467 commuters board the trains whilst the car park can only accommodate 170 vehicles.
Cr David Morrisson and Cr Morgan were quick to point out the poor planning and how all new rail stations must have a bus stop. This is particularly important since the State Government is pushing for the improvements on public transportation to lessen the vehicles on the roads thus lesser traffic congestion.
Ipswich City Council has responded to this issue citing that the road layout cannot accommodate buses. On the other hand, a spokesman for TransLink said that they will review and assess a possible bus stop on the area.