Springfield Rolls Out Plans to be the World’s Greenest City by 2038

Photo Credit: Springfield City Group

By 2038, Greater Springfield will become the “model community of the future” as the  Springfield City Group starts its ambitious transformation into the world’s greenest city.

Featured with houses with solar panels on every roof, electric car charging stations everywhere, hydrogen-powered buses and other advances in green technology, the strategic sustainable plan is a collaboration between French energy giant ENGIE, its subsidiary Tractebel, and the Springfield City Group. The partnership was established in 2018. 

The investment is reportedly worth more than $3 billion, with 100 percent of the power usage turned into renewable energy. The development will also see Greater Springfield residents enjoying 30 percent of natural green space. 

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The five pillars of this project are focused on the following: 

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  • Urban – Greenspace mixed with urban agriculture and green transport routes.
  • Mobility- Reduction of average cars per household whilst improving EV charging infrastructure, including paths for electric scooters and bicycles
  • Buildings – Bioclimactic designs with solar protection and energy-efficient system
  • Energy – 100 percent renewable, with improved energy storage and hydrogen refueling
  • Digital – Innovative smart city solutions

Chairman Maha Sinnathamby said that Springfield, with its current 45,000 population, is ideal for this project as the nation’s fastest-growing community. 

“We have one chance – and the responsibility to our residents – to get this right and be an ongoing example for others to follow,” Mr Sinnathamby said. “The focus on efficient and sustainable energy production, storage, and integration with the community has never been more important for Australia and for us. I’m confident that ENGIE can assist us to be a world leader in innovative and smart city solutions.”

Photo Credit: Springfield City Group

In line with this project, some buildings within the city’s business district have started rolling out rooftop solar, including Orion Shopping Centre and the Springfield Tower.

View the complete report of this project online.