Jones Road Reserve in Augustine Heights Rich in Fossils, Scientists Work with Springfield Developers to Uncover More

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Jones Road Reserve in Augustine Heights in Greater Springfield is one of the top 10 fossil sites in Queensland. In 1900, turtles, insects, rainforest flora from 50 million years ago were uncovered in Augustine Heights and scientists from the Queensland Museum believe that there are more to find.

Due to these findings, geologists and palaeontologists are appealing to Greater Springfield developers to work with them to ensure that significant specimens are uncovered and not destroyed.

The road in Springfield is said to have more flora as the area had a lake and was surrounded by rainforest. The good news is that there is now new technology that scientists can utilise, such as CT scanning, which allows them to scan rocks and reconstruct the fish in full. Without this, uncovering fossils can mean splitting a rock in order to see if there is fish inside.

Scientists are hopeful that Greater Springfield developers will cooperate with them. They also said that they are willing to work with any organisation but they won’t get in their way.

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