Great work Ipswich, for a record 55 registered sites for Clean Up Australia Day, yielding the biggest turnout yet for the city!
Hundreds of locals stepped up and participated in the annual, nationwide Clean Up Australia Day activity held on 5 March 2023. Environment and Sustainability Committee Chairperson Councillor Russell Milligan said he was proud and “blown away” by the rubbish Ipswich locals collected.
The Springfield Scouts Group had 40 members and 65 parents as participants and covered two parklands around the YMCA Springfield Lakes Community Centre. The group was able to clear over 300 kg of rubbish.
“We were very happy to contribute back to society and help the environment and we look forward to next year’s event,” Springfield Cub Scout Leader Thomas Hewitt said.
“Community groups around the city should be applauded at the great work they’ve done in cleaning up and helping to keep Ipswich beautiful,” Cr Milligan said.
“I would also urge everyone to think carefully about their waste and to always dispose of rubbish in the correct manner.”
Ipswich City Council’s Environment and Sustainability team supports educational programs that encourage locals to attend events like Clean Up Australia Day. Participation in environmental events encourages positive behaviour change and promotes appreciation and care for the local environment.
Council is also working on several initiatives to improve resource recovery as part of its Resource Recovery Strategy and Implementation Plan 2021-2031.
Published 19 March 2023