Ipswich Children’s Library Recognised for Excellence in Innovation at LGMA Awards

Ipswich Children's Library
Photo Credit: Rhondda Bell/Google Maps

The Ipswich Children’s Library has been recognised for innovation for a second time at the recent Local Government Managers Australia Awards for Excellence in Queensland. 

Celebrating the outstanding work of local governments in the region, the LGMA Awards for Excellence, now in its 12th year, was presented at the end of May 2022 after pausing for a year due to the pandemic. 

“We are thrilled that the team’s innovation with Australia’s only dedicated stand-alone children’s library has been recognised and is a great realisation of council’s vision to deliver innovative services to the community,” said Community, Culture, Arts and Sport Committee Chairperson Councillor Andrew Fechner of the recognition. 

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Photo Credit: Ipswich Libraries/Facebook

Mr Fechner also said that the real winners are the residents of Ipswich, who will benefit from the revitalised Nicholas Street Precinct, where the library stands in its purpose-designed space. 

Photo Credit: Ipswich Libraries/Facebook

“In 2021 Ipswich Libraries also went on to win the next level – the LG Professionals Australia National Award for Innovative Management Initiative,” Mr Fechner added.

“We support the talented team at Ipswich Libraries as they again compete on the national stage and know that they already bring pride to our wonderful city.”

Photo Credit: Ipswich Libraries/Facebook

Aside from Ipswich Children’s Library, also recognized for excellence were:

Workplace WellbeingSunshine Coast CouncilZero Lost Time Injuries in Civil Construction
Community ShapingWestern Downs Regional CouncilWandoan Soldier Settler Scheme 
SustainabilityCity of LoganNet Zero and Next Gen Climate Resilient Council
CollaborationBalonne Shire CouncilThe Hub
TeamworkRedland City CouncilLight Touch Service Reviews
Doing More with Less Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire CouncilAI Material Recovery Facility
Above and BeyondCity of Logan
Sebastien Martin