Bell Street Clean-Up in Ipswich Hailed as a Successful Community Effort

Bell Street
Photo Credit: Ipswich Central Partnership

Great things can happen when people work together, something a group of volunteers proved after undertaking a community clean-up on Bell Street in Ipswich Central. 

The community-led project, which started in late November 2021, was in response to a petition lodged with Ipswich City Council to “Fix Up Bell Steet.” Provisions were provided for the clean-up in partnership with Clean Up Australia Day and Council’s Ipswich Central Revitalisation Project.

More than 50 volunteers answered the call, which also saw Mayor Teresa Harding, as well as councillors Marnie Doyle, Andrew Fechner, and Kate Kunzelmann, grabbing some sponges and brushes to transform this gateway into a clean and sparkling commercial hub.

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The precinct has now been scrubbed of graffiti and dirt, and then revitalised with fresh coats of paint, newly-sanded benches, disposal of rubbish, more plants on the ground, and heaps of planter boxes at the storefronts. 

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Cr Doyle hailed the initiative as a success. Cr Fechner, on the other hand, said that this was a “fabulous example” of commitment to the revitalisation project.

“As Bell Street is a key Ipswich Central thoroughfare and the entrance to our CBD for those arriving by train it was the ideal location for the Ipswich Central Partnership first initiative,” Cr Doyle said.

“While Council maintains Bell Street with regular cleaning and graffiti removal from footpaths and other council-owned property, the buildings on the east of the street are all state government assets or privately owned businesses.

“That’s why it’s vital that we work together to improve and maintain the streetscape.”

Meanwhile, Cr Doyle also confirmed that improvements to the awning at the train station on Bell Street are in the early planning stages. They are also in the middle of discussions with the Queensland Department of Natural Resources for the upgrades to the Bell Street Walkway.