This cinematic event with a difference has just commenced at Event Cinemas Springfield on a Sunday courtesy of C3 Church, Springfield.
The recurring theme of disruption caused by COVID has stopped so many events that Event Cinemas has reached out to local church C3, based in Springfield, for them to be able to hold their regular Sunday meet ups at one of their theatres.
Matt Hickson, the pastor, stressed how the church community as a whole has struggled with the lack of human interaction. Having such a fun location that can accommodate their community with strict, COVID-safe industry plan guidelines. They are always happy to welcome new members so this has really provided a positive focus on the group at large.
The community has a large following and has been regularly meeting up in the area since 2017. Whilst technology has helped reach a number of individuals, there is nothing like catching up in person to support each other in a space that can provide the required social distancing.
There is spiritual learning as a Church, and a wish to invest in the community and help wherever they can at this time.
There are a number of smaller events that the group regularly holds — from fortnightly youth groups for older children to smaller walking groups and parent groups for those that need human interaction and a chat.
There is still an online outlet that is communicated through social media to keep abreast of current projects and be able to reach members of the group when needed.
There is also a branch of the church community, known as ‘Beyond,’ which helps those in need by partnering with local organisations to assist practically where possible by providing such things as garden makeovers, providing vouchers to families in need, issuing food hampers to name but a few.
Sundays are their biggest gathering and this helps to bring the community together. While the theatre is occupied with adults, another smaller space opposite it is utilized for children programs including videos and arts and crafts.
This is a welcome relief to people who are struggling alone or in financial distress, struggling with family issues and need support from community members and whilst online has helped to bridge a gap to a degree, the ability to meet up in person through the gesture of Event Cinemas has gone a long way to helping people get through this time.
At a later stage, the church hopes to have a facility of their own, but while COVID is still prevalent, having places available that they can reach as many people as possible is extremely important to them and their community and will continue to do so for some time to come. If you feel that the church can help you at this time, please contact them for further details on some of the activities that they are involved in.